note : temp file - need to turn it into a html+canvas version. - socoder - gotojse. rotate a grid 2d array or tile (pixels) - for brushfactory sprite editor. // Rotation of an Array // by Jayenkai (That rhymes!) // Created 2021/7/22 Symbol 0,"04_8/989!A89!A89!A89!A89!A89!A9A/"; Symbol 1,"05_Q/PQP!NQP!NQP!NQP!NQP!NQP!NPN/"; Symbol 2,"06_N/ONO!PNO!POP/N/ONO!PNO!POP/"; Dim Tiles(32,32) Dim Rotated(32,32) for x=0 to 31 for y=0 to 31 Tiles(x,y)=Rand(0,2) if Abs(x-16)<3 then Tiles(x,y)=2 if Abs(y-4)<3 then Tiles(x,y)=1 next next Border 30,30,80 Graphics 1024,1024,1 Repeat ango=1024/360 angle=Floor(MouseX()/ango) for x=0 to 31 for y=0 to 31 x2=Floor((cos(angle)*(x-16) - sin(angle)*(y-16)))+16 y2=Floor((sin(angle)*(x-16) + cos(angle)*(y-16)))+16 x2=Limit(x2,0,31) y2=Limit(y2,0,31) Rotated(x,y)=Tiles(x2,y2) if MouseDown then Rotated(x,y)=Tiles(x,y) DrawImg x*32+16,y*32+16,Rotated(x,y) next next Text 32,32,angle,1 Flip Forever